Athira Menon Murali Sobha
Guildford, United Kingdom
Basic Verified Member
November 2021Replies In 00 Hour
0 + Hours Taught
- Email: Tutor has a verified email
- Address: Tutor has verified address by supplying utility bills or license.
- Mobile: Tutor has verified mobile number that is validated thru SMS pin
- Social Media:Tutor has connected Facebook account proving their online presence.
- Credit Card: Tutor has verified credit card details to prove their age and authenticity
- Professional Reference: Tutor has verified personal reference to enhance trust
- DBS: This verification proves that the tutor does not have any criminal record.
My Bio
As a highly qualified teacher with double Master’s degree and 3+ years of teaching experience, I offer excellent experience in subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and environmental science. I am an expert in note and assignment preparation, mentoring, coordination and have impressive communication skills. With my brilliant experience, I can easily gauge the capability of students and help them to excel in their studies and place them to the top level.
Athira Menon Murali Sobha
Guildford, United Kingdom
Basic Verified Member
November 2021I teach following age groups
Secondary Education (Child age 11 to 15 )
Post-Secondary Education (Child age 16 to 17)
Replies In 00 Hour
0 + Hours Taught
- Email: Tutor has a verified email
- Address: Tutor has verified address by supplying utility bills or license.
- Mobile: Tutor has verified mobile number that is validated thru SMS pin
- Social Media:Tutor has connected Facebook account proving their online presence.
- Credit Card: Tutor has verified credit card details to prove their age and authenticity
- Professional Reference: Tutor has verified personal reference to enhance trust
- DBS: This verification proves that the tutor does not have any criminal record.
My Bio
As a highly qualified teacher with double Master’s degree and 3+ years of teaching experience, I offer excellent experience in subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and environmental science. I am an expert in note and assignment preparation, mentoring, coordination and have impressive communication skills. With my brilliant experience, I can easily gauge the capability of students and help them to excel in their studies and place them to the top level.
Cancellation Open (Cancel Anytime for refund)Athira Menon Murali Sobha
Guildford, United Kingdom
Basic Verified Member
November 2021My Bio
As a highly qualified teacher with double Master’s degree and 3+ years of teaching experience, I offer excellent experience in subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and environmental science. I am an expert in note and assignment preparation, mentoring, coordination and have impressive communication skills. With my brilliant experience, I can easily gauge the capability of students and help them to excel in their studies and place them to the top level.
Cancellation Open (Cancel Anytime for refund)
Pure Maths (A-Level)
Maths (A-Level)
Maths (GCSE)
Maths (Primary)
Biology (GCSE)
Biology (A-Level)
Science (GCSE)
Physics (GCSE)
Chemistry (GCSE)
Environmental Science
Primary (Key Stage 2)
Primary (Key Stage 1)
Eleven Plus 11+
Early Years and Reception
Kingstgon University Network and Information Security Masters
Kerala Technical University Signal Processing Masters
Kerala University Electronics and Communication Degree
My Group session
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